Click Away | Emotive Family | Massachusetts Lifestyle Photographer

I taught for the VERY first time this past month at Click Away Conference in Amelia Island, Florida. I have to say, I wasn't fully prepared, didn't know what to expect, and looking back I definitely could do things in the future to better prepare myself and educate the students that were so kind to take my classes. It still blows my mind that there are people that actually find value in learning from me, and I want to be the best educator I can be, so I think reflecting upon my experience and blogging it here will be so beneficial to look back on in the future. I am SO grateful to my model families for allowing me the opportunity to photograph them, while teaching and letting others shoot alongside of me. 

As you can imagine, shooting while teaching can be a little distracting to the family you're photographing. Directing the family, observing for those candid, emotive and special moments while instructing, stepping aside for students to get their shot, and pausing every few seconds isn't exactly conducive for a fluid session. WITH that being said... this family is one hundred percent my IDEAL client <3

They showed real love, connection, emotion and had fun together. Their love shines through in every image and I couldn't be more grateful to them for allowing me the opportunity to photograph them with so many distractions going on. Stacey and her husband Ben are photographers out of Florida, and their grasp for what's important is held tight. They get it. Photographing people who get it makes every single image come to life and I just love these images we got from my VERY first live shoot-out that I instructed. They are even sweeter than I ever expected, so kind, so beautiful inside and out, and I am so blessed to have met them. So, Stacey & Ben thank you for making it easy. I loved capturing your love.
